Buffalo Creosote Removal

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Thorough Buffalo Creosote Removal Services

Why creosote in Buffalo chimneys and is a Hazard that must be handled quickly. Creosote is a natural byproduct caused when coal or wood is burned, creating a combination of tar and soot. However, it’s also a highly flammable material that can deposit on the interior of your chimney, especially when you’re burning softwood or a cool, smoky fire. These deposits can build up over time and are typically removed during your annual chimney cleaning.

However, if you are burning a lot of softwood or tend to have cool fires, you may have excess creosote building up on your chimney’s interior, which can lead to a chimney fire. This type of fire can cause extensive damage to your chimney, or worse yet, can spread to the rest of your home. Because it’s a sticky substance, it may require more work than your usual chimney sweep, but it’s important to remove this substance from your chimney.

There are three stages of creosote buildup:

  • Stage 1 Creosote: At this stage, flaky black soot will deposit on your chimney’s interior when your flue is cold. To prevent creosote from starting, always warm your flue before you start your main fire. This can be easily achieved by placing lit paper or cardboard pieces in the firebox. A basic chimney sweep from your Buffalo certified chimney technician will often remove the creosote from your chimney.
  • Stage 2 Creosote: If creosote is allowed to continue building up, it passes into stage 2, where the creosote will appear as hard, shiny, black flakes. This type of creosote forms when airflow is kept from leaving your flue quickly and efficiently. In this stage, the creosote adheres more tightly to the interior surface of your chimney and is harder to remove. In many cases, a rotary loop or related tool may be required for removal.
  • Stage 3 Creosote: If you continue using your chimney without having it regularly cleaned, you can reach this stage, which is called glazed creosote. The higher flue temperatures cause the creosote to boil, evaporating any moisture away and leaving hardened surfaces of concentrated fuel behind. It’s very easy to ignite this type of creosote, and it can quickly lead to a chimney or house fire. This type of deposit can’t be removed without damage unless handled by an experienced chimney professional.
Worried about potential creosote buildup in your chimney? You don’t have to be. At Four Winds Chimney, you’ll find that our team of experienced Buffalo chimney technicians are always happy to chat about your concerns and find reasonable solutions to the situation. Don’t put off your creosote removal another day, call us at (716) 202-9522 today so that you can get your chimney running safely again.